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Question about Silpakorn University, International Affairs


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Question about International Collaboration and MOU

A MOU is a general agreement between Silpakorn University and another institution that states both parties are interested in furthering collaboration on academic activities. A MOU expresses a convergence of will between the parties, indicating an intended common line of action. This is the first step before developing a research agreement or a student exchange agreement.

A MOU should be developed before the institutions begin collaborating on academic activities.

By the MOU university level, the President will sign.
If the faculty level, MOU will be signed by the Dean.

The following items MUST be contained in all agreements:

  • Type of agreement (MOA or MOU)
  • a listing of the parties involved;
  • a purpose/statement of work;
  • terms and conditions;
  • appropriate bilateral signatures;
  • duration of agreement; and
  • Start date of agreement
  • Termination date of agreement

The following items maybe included depending on the subject of the agreement:

  • Silpakorn faculty/college
  • External entity/agency (the other, party to the agreement)
  • any payment terms or special provisions as applicable.

Contact your agreement administrator. Your agreement administrator will help guide you through the process, can answer any questions you may have, and will work with you to resolve difficulties you may experience.

There should be at least two original documents signed; one belongs to the partner institution and one is kept by Silpakorn University.

The timeline is 40 business days or 6 – 8 weeks.